
Primexis earns the Happy At Work label once again in 2022

New Insight
13 May 2022

Our collaborators have decided : they are Happy At Work !

Primexis, operational consulting firm and specialized accounting firm, has obtained the certifications Happy At Work 2022 and Hybrid Work 2022.

With constantly increasing marks for the past seven years, the firm this year still has the ChooseMyCompany classifications.

  • Happy at Work rewards companies whose employees are the most committed and motivated
  • Hybrid Work highlights companies that most successfully implement remote working

What I like most is the business culture and the open-mindedness. It’s a company with an equal relationship between collaborators and focused on human relations.  We can easily exchange with anybody no matter their place in the hierarchy. We also use the best apps to communicate.”

 Thank you to all those who contributed to this achievement!

Primexis is recruiting, come see for yourself! Check out our job offers here.

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