Our clients testify:
HN Services

Loïc de Galbert, Secretary General of HN Services, shares his experience regarding the missions and results achieved through the support of the Primexis Payroll team. The full interview is available on our YouTube channel.
Could you introduce yourself? HN Services in a few words
I am Loïc de Galbert. As the chief administrative officer of HN Services, I oversee all the group’s support functions.
HN Services has been a digital services company for 40 years, assisting its clients with their digital transformation. We are located in 5 countries, serving 140 clients, and in 2026, we expect to make a turnover of 200 million euros.
What specific challenges were you facing before the intervention of Primexis?
In 2022, we had to face the fact that our previous payroll software would no longer be maintained.
We studied several solutions, and we chose SILAE, which had also been recommended to us by our chartered accountant and our two statutory auditors.
This decision presented 2 major challenges: on the one hand, we had a very tight deadline for migrating the tool, and on the other hand, the time available for our in-house team for this project was quite limited due to the very strong growth in our activity.
How did Primexis address these challenges?
We decided to set up a co-production service with Primexis.
Primexis was responsible for making the HRIS available in SaaS mode, setting up the HRIS parameters and providing legal and collecting bargaining monitoring. HN Services, for its part, continued to handle data collection and entry, results control, and declarations for our approximately 1000 employees in France.
A ticketing tool was set up by Primexis to provide technical and payroll assistance.
Primexis was very helpful in change management, especially concerning our digital safe since our employees had to migrate from MyPeopleDoc to eDocPerso.
How was this project organized?
Primexis’ team was made up of 3 people: a project manager, an expert HRIS manager, and an expert payroll supervisor.
Communication was very easy thanks to channels via Teams.
What tangible benefits have you observed after Primexis’ intervention?
We have identified at least 3 concrete and immediate benefits following Primexis’ service:
first, immediate productivity gains for our four-person payroll team thanks to the automatic generation of employment contracts in SILAE and the automation of payroll rules;
the availability of social indicators directly in SILAE’s BI tool, social indicators such as the BDES (economic, social, and environmental database), the social balance sheet, the gender equality index, and other customized reports;
and finally, the API interface between SILAE and Salesforce (Salesforce is a central CRM for managing HN Services’ activity).
How did you discover Primexis?
As far as Primexis is concerned, we found them on the list of integrators recommended by SILAE. We were immediately convinced by the approach offered by Gaëtan Lemaître, Payroll Partner at Primexis.
Today, we continue to work with Primexis on numerous projects, in particular, our acquisitions, such as Infocom.
We strongly recommend Primexis to any company with more than 100 employees looking to implement a SILAE solution for payroll, HRIS, BI, or expense accounts, or simply looking to outsource their payroll.

Loïc de Galbert
Secretary General of HN Services