71st congress of French Order of Chartered Accountants in Brussels

The 71st congress of French Order of Chartered Accountants (OEC in French) opens for 3 days in Brussels, this Wednesday 28 September 2016. Below is a brief look at the themes proposed, exhibitors and speakers attending…
The plenary sessions, professional conferences and large conferences will be held in the different rooms and auditoriums in Palace 12 which contains more than 5 000 seats. They will be presented in French and English, with simultaneous interpretation.
Around this key moments, more than hundreds of exhibitors will be at the exposition, among them: (1)ACCA, BNP Paribas, Cegid software, HAYS, SwissLife….who will be divided into 3 sites: advising, accounting profession and Technology and communication.
Remember that the main themes are tax and tax consulting. Sessions will be presented by International, European and French Chartered accountants, lawyers, members of European Parliament (MP), members of (2)CSOEC and other scholars.
The Congress starts on Wednesday afternoon from 2pm to 4 pm with the opening plenary session titled “Accountancy-Tax: DNA of the Chartered accountant”. This first day ends with two conference sessions on tax topics: “Transfer pricing: current situation and outlook” and “(3)AEF – a management tool, a tax tool and what about tomorrow?”
We hope to meet you during the Congress in Brussels Expo!
Stefan Petrovski
qualified Chartered Accountant
International Business Services
- Website of the 71st OEC congress – www.congres.experts-comptables.com/en/
(1)ACCA: Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in UK (www.accaglobal.com/gb/en.html) (2)CSOEC: Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables (“French Order of Chartered Accountants”)
(3)AEF:Accounting Entry File -French Tax rules (“Fichier des Ecritures Comptables”in French)